Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Chuck Kulas Chapter 9-10 Summary

After some time in Charleston, Shepherd was getting anxious for a real job. He had contacted Fast Company in the past, but never made it through. Finally, after hearing an inspirational speech made by a fellow shelter mate, he made the trek across town to the Fast Company offices to seek out a position. After waiting for over an hour for the manager to return, he was granted a position after giving a rousing soliloquy of his ambition and telling the manager of "where he has set the bar." Th manager, quite impressed by this agrees to give Shepherd a position at the firm. Shepherd is on a slow and steady start, working on small and relatively easy jobs until he gained some degree of expertise. Not long after, he is paired up with a man named Shaun Caldwell. Caldwell, and ex-convict has a very different personality than that of Shepherd. After a few weeks of work together, they are separated and not long after Caldwell is asked to leave due to his ruckus ways and alcoholism, et al.

Shepherd then deals with some minor setbacks including having to foot the bill for a move in which the cash was lost, and having to spend a night under the stars. Shepherd then goes on to reflect of his time spent at the homeless shelter and of the many personalities that he comes across there. Chapter 11 concludes with Shepherd reflecting on the setbacks that occurred in the chapter and how he wishes to channel his energy not to reflecting on the negative, but to focus on the positive and attain his goal.

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