Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chris Summary Ch. 15-Epliogue

Chapter 15 is the last chapter of Shepard's experiment. The chapter is focused on the growing conflict between BG and Shepard over BG's use of Shepard's truck. BG is continually using Shepard's truck without permission or lying about how long he will be gone or where he is going. Over time this problem escalates and reaches a climax when Shepard gets fed up with BG's lying and attacks him. Shepard looses the fight but as a result BG is begins to realize how much his actions are affecting Shepard and begins to change. By the end of the chapter Shepard and BG are back to being friends. Most of this chapter focuses on Shepard's rising tension due to BG's misuse of his truck, although Shepard takes ample time to explain various reasons behind their actions. At the end of the chapter Shepard is more upbeat and happy that his friendship with BG is now on better terms. Chapter 16 is an overview of the Shepard family's health problems and reasons that Shepard had to cut his experiment short and move home to take care of his mother. This chapter has a more sombre tone because much of it is spent looking retrospectively at his time in Charleston and then looking forward at his parents health problems. The chapter ends with Shepard explaining the truth of his background to BG and then leaving Charleston, ending his experiment. The epilogue is an overview of the experiment and the results that Shepard was able to walk away with. The epilogue reads like a script for some type of motivational talk and there are several cliches that Shepard uses to help demonstrate his ideas for improving society. The epilogue ends by giving the reader three different types of people and asking them to decide which category they fall under.

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