Thursday, April 1, 2010


There are many different reasons for one to read our book Scratch Beginnings, it may be an interest in the subject, it may be because of past volunteering and community service in the field, or it may simply be to see whether or not Adam Shepherd, the main character of the book is actually able to attain his goal. His goal in the book is to start out in a new and unfamiliar city with $25 in cash and very little personal belongings. The rest--a car, a house, and whatever he may need to live he is to get by working. He devoted one year of his life to this challenge, which is largely a rebuttal to the works of Barbara Erenreich.

Most of us have had a very rudimentary knowledge of the subject, it is something that everyone has basic knowledge of but lacks the substantial details. Homeless shelters and the plight of our modern poor are something that we have largely relegated to passing glances as we are commuting daily to school or work. In reading this book, we are given a detailed and deep look into the lives of the people affected by poverty and the struggles that befall them. We are given a look into the daily life and struggle of living a day-by-day-lifestyle. We all hope to gain an interesting knowledge through this book that will give us a different look at the subject and give us new information and a new point of view.

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